Foot Locker Cross Country National Finals

2010 Boys Results

December 11, 2010
Morley Field - Balboa Park
San Diego, CA

5.00 Kilometers

Scoring Teams and Points:

1. Midwest 22 (1  2  3  5  11  12  13)
2. South 64 (7  9  14  15  19  20  25)
3. Northeast 73 (8  10  16  18  21  23  24)
4. West 75 (4  6  17  22  26  27  28)

1  Lukas Verzbicas (12)          Midwest   Carl Sandburg H.S.                 Orland Hills           IL 14:59
2  Futsum Zeinasellassie (11)    Midwest   North Central H.S.                 Indianapolis           IN 15:10
3  Tony Smoragiewicz (11)        Midwest   Rapid City Central H.S.            Rapid City             SD 15:16
4  Andrew Gardner (10)           West      Mead H.S.                          Spokane                WA 15:18
5  Chris Walden (12)             Midwest   Carmel H.S.                        Carmel                 IN 15:22
6  Billy Orman (12)              West      Tuba City H.S.                     Tuba City              AZ 15:23
7  Jimmy Clark (12)              South     Creekside H.S.                     Jacksonville           FL 15:24
8  Eddie Owens (12)              Northeast Packer Collegiate Institute        Brooklyn               NY 15:25
9  Ryan Pickering (12)           South     John I Leonard H.S.                West Palm Beach        FL 15:25
10 Chad Noelle (12)              Northeast Greene H.S.                        Greene                 NY 15:25
11 William Kincaid (12)          Midwest   Columbine H.S.                     Littleton              CO 15:27
12 James Martin (12)             Midwest   Carroll H.S.                       Fort Wayne             IN 15:27
13 Jack Driggs (12)              Midwest   York Community H.S.                Elmhurst               IL 15:29
14 Ahmed Bile (11)               South     Annandale H.S.                     Annandale              VA 15:33
15 Blake Williams (12)           South     Northern Durham H.S.               Durham                 NC 15:35
16 John McGowan (12)             Northeast Sidwell Friends School             Washington             DC 15:37
17 Matt Carpowich (12)           West      Torrey Pines H.S.                  San Diego              CA 15:38
18 Zach Hebda (12)               Northeast North Hills H.S.                   Pittsburgh             PA 15:38
19 Scott Morgan (12)             South     Calvary Baptist Day School         Clemmons               NC 15:38
20 Thomas Graham (11)            South     Cary Academy                       Cary                   NC 15:39
21 John Murray (12)              Northeast Shrewsbury H.S.                    Shrewsbury             MA 15:40
22 Jantzen Oshier (12)           West      Trabuco Hills H.S.                 Trabuco Canyon         CA 15:40
23 Matt McDonald (12)            Northeast North Hunterdon H.S.               Annandale              NJ 15:40
24 Patrick Rono (12)             Northeast Lyndhurst H.S.                     Lyndhurst              NJ 15:42
25 Elliot Clemente (11)          South     Belen Jesuit Preparatory           Miami                  FL 15:43
26 Michael Brajdic (12)          Midwest   Bay H.S.                           Bay Village            OH 15:45
27 Morgan Pearson (12)           Northeast Delbarton H.S.                     New Vernon             NJ 15:48
28 Sergey Sushchikh (12)         West      Dos Pueblos H.S.                   Goleta                 CA 15:49
29 Jeff LaCoste (12)             Northeast Bishop Guertin H.S.                Amherst                NH 15:51
30 Darren Fahy (11)              West      La Costa Canyon H.S.               Carlsbad               CA 15:51
31 Nathan Weitz (11)             West      The Oaks                           Spokane                WA 15:52
32 Dallin Taylor (12)            West      Hunter H.S.                        West Valley            UT 15:54
33 Silas Frantz (12)             South     Douglas S. Freeman H.S.            Richmond               VA 15:54
34 Zach Wills (12)               Midwest   Mason H.S.                         Mason                  OH 15:55
35 Caleb Rhynard (12)            Midwest   Shepherd H.S.                      Shepherd               MI 15:59
36 Cody Pelliccioni (12)         South     Morgantown H.S.                    Morgantown             WV 16:00
37 Daniel Milechman (12)         West      Tamalpais H.S.                     Mill Valley            CA 16:00
38 Christopher Kigar (12)        West      El Camino H.S.                     Citrus Heights         CA 16:01
39 Chris Campbell (12)           Northeast Council Rock H.S. North            Newtown                PA 16:01
40 Donovan Torres (12)           South     Coronado H.S.                      Lubbock                TX 16:02