- 4 Forsyth got out early
- 3 Start
- 1 Forsyth at the start
- 2 Forsyth and Jazwinski
- 17-The pack at the half
- 5 Knoblauch and Jazwinski chase
- 6 Meineke in the chase pack
- 7 Forsyth 1200m
- 8 Forsyth 1800m
- 9 Knoblauch and Jazwinski at 1800m
- 10-Southerland-Dowty-Dorenkamp-Meineke-Phillips
- 11-Dorenkamp-Meineke
- 12-Garces-Cohen
- 13-Forsyth halfway
- 14-Knoblauch at the half
- 15-Knoblauch
- 16-Jazwinski